エネルギー上昇/Rising Energy (blue) [JP_HVY185-C-NF]
在庫数 13点
精力的な振りかぶり/Vigorous Windup (red) [JP_HVY186-C-NF]
精力的な振りかぶり/Vigorous Windup (yellow) [JP_HVY187-C-NF]
在庫数 16点
精力的な振りかぶり/Vigorous Windup (blue) [JP_HVY188-C-NF]
在庫数 19点
活力の賭け/Wage Vigor (red) [JP_HVY189-C-NF]
在庫数 20点
活力の賭け/Wage Vigor (yellow) [JP_HVY190-C-NF]
活力の賭け/Wage Vigor (blue) [JP_HVY191-C-NF]
在庫数 15点
心の優位/Lead with Heart (red) [JP_HVY192-C-NF]
心の優位/Lead with Heart (yellow) [JP_HVY193-C-NF]
心の優位/Lead with Heart (blue) [JP_HVY194-C-NF]
栄光の探索者/Glory Seeker [JP_HVY196-C-NF]
草花の守り/Sheltered Cove [JP_HVY197-C-NF]
困難の対面/Face Adversity [JP_HVY198-C-NF]
在庫数 10点
困難の直面/Confront Adversity [JP_HVY199-C-NF]
困難の包含/Embrace Adversity [JP_HVY200-C-NF]
困難の克服/Overcome Adversity [JP_HVY201-C-NF]
大立者の兜/Headliner Helm [JP_HVY202-C-NF]
スタジアムの主役/Stadium Centerpiece [JP_HVY203-C-NF]
在庫数 14点
賭けの名手/Ticket Puncher [JP_HVY204-C-NF]
卓越の脛当て/Grandstand Legplates [JP_HVY205-C-NF]
血塗れの円盾/Bloodied Oval [JP_HVY206-C-NF]
在庫数 12点
不運な出来事/Nasty Surprise [JP_HVY207-M-NF]
在庫数 在庫なし
強制返済/Pay Up [JP_HVY208-M-NF]
在庫数 3点
波紋消散/Ripple Away [JP_HVY209-M-NF]
絶対遵守/Standing Order [JP_HVY210-M-NF]
在庫数 4点
不倒の執念/Tenacity [JP_HVY211-M-NF]
誘惑と窃取/Seduce Secrets [JP_HVY212-M-NF]
在庫数 5点
不撓不屈/Down But Not Out (red) [JP_HVY213-R-NF]
不撓不屈/Down But Not Out (yellow) [JP_HVY214-R-NF]
在庫数 8点
不撓不屈/Down But Not Out (blue) [JP_HVY215-R-NF]
在庫数 11点
金貨の賭け/Wage Gold (red) [JP_HVY216-R-NF]
在庫数 9点
金貨の賭け/Wage Gold (yellow) [JP_HVY217-R-NF]
金貨の賭け/Wage Gold (blue) [JP_HVY218-R-NF]
在庫数 7点
戦線の強化/Reinforce the Line (red) [JP_HVY219-R-NF]
戦線の強化/Reinforce the Line (yellow) [JP_HVY220-R-NF]
戦線の強化/Reinforce the Line (blue) [JP_HVY221-R-NF]
駆け巡るアドレナリン/Adrenaline Rush (red) [JP_HVY222-C-NF]
駆け巡るアドレナリン/Adrenaline Rush (yellow) [JP_HVY223-C-NF]
駆け巡るアドレナリン/Adrenaline Rush (blue) [JP_HVY224-C-NF]
追加報酬/Performance Bonus (red) [JP_HVY225-C-NF]
追加報酬/Performance Bonus (yellow) [JP_HVY226-C-NF]
追加報酬/Performance Bonus (blue) [JP_HVY227-C-NF]
後方部隊の結集/Rally the Rearguard (red) [JP_HVY228-C-NF]
在庫数 18点
後方部隊の結集/Rally the Rearguard (yellow) [JP_HVY229-C-NF]
後方部隊の結集/Rally the Rearguard (blue) [JP_HVY230-C-NF]
トレード・イン/Trade In (red) [JP_HVY231-C-NF]
トレード・イン/Trade In (yellow) [JP_HVY232-C-NF]
トレード・イン/Trade In (blue) [JP_HVY233-C-NF]
刺突/Lunging Press [JP_HVY234-C-NF]
有金実行/Money Where Ya Mouth Is (red) [JP_HVY235-C-NF]
有金実行/Money Where Ya Mouth Is (yellow) [JP_HVY236-C-NF]
有金実行/Money Where Ya Mouth Is (blue) [JP_HVY237-C-NF]
初投資/Starting Stake [JP_HVY238-C-NF]
在庫数 24点
強さの試練/Test of Strength [JP_HVY239-C-NF]
敏捷/Agility [JP_HVY240-C-NF]
剛力/Might [JP_HVY241-C-NF]
在庫数 1点
活力/Vigor [JP_HVY242-C-NF]
金貨/Gold [JP_HVY243-C-NF]
ひび割れたガラクタ/Cracked Bauble [JP_HVY244-T-NF]
呼び声刻み/Graven Call [JP_HVY245-M-NF]