有利な立場/Vantage Point (red) [JP_ROS124-R-NF]
在庫数 10点
有利な立場/Vantage Point (yellow) [JP_ROS125-R-NF]
在庫数 9点
有利な立場/Vantage Point (blue) [JP_ROS126-R-NF]
虐殺の宣告/Condemn to Slaughter (red) [JP_ROS127-R-NF]
虐殺の宣告/Condemn to Slaughter (yellow) [JP_ROS128-R-NF]
在庫数 7点
虐殺の宣告/Condemn to Slaughter (blue) [JP_ROS129-R-NF]
在庫数 11点
邪悪な詠唱/Malefic Incantation (red) [JP_ROS130-R-NF]
在庫数 在庫なし
邪悪な詠唱/Malefic Incantation (yellow) [JP_ROS131-R-NF]
邪悪な詠唱/Malefic Incantation (blue) [JP_ROS132-R-NF]
アークナイトの印/Sigil of the Arknight [JP_ROS133-R-NF]
秘魔術の切り付け/Arcanic Spike (red) [JP_ROS134-C-NF]
在庫数 20点
秘魔術の切り付け/Arcanic Spike (yellow) [JP_ROS135-C-NF]
秘魔術の切り付け/Arcanic Spike (blue) [JP_ROS136-C-NF]
意志の貪り/Consuming Volition (red) [JP_ROS137-C-NF]
意志の貪り/Consuming Volition (yellow) [JP_ROS138-C-NF]
意志の貪り/Consuming Volition (blue) [JP_ROS139-C-NF]
高音の響き/Hit the High Notes (red) [JP_ROS140-C-NF]
在庫数 19点
高音の響き/Hit the High Notes (yellow) [JP_ROS141-C-NF]
高音の響き/Hit the High Notes (blue) [JP_ROS142-C-NF]
アブラカダブラ/Hocus Pocus (red) [JP_ROS143-C-NF]
アブラカダブラ/Hocus Pocus (yellow) [JP_ROS144-C-NF]
アブラカダブラ/Hocus Pocus (blue) [JP_ROS145-C-NF]
食肉の晩餐/Meat and Greet (red) [JP_ROS146-C-NF]
食肉の晩餐/Meat and Greet (yellow) [JP_ROS147-C-NF]
食肉の晩餐/Meat and Greet (blue) [JP_ROS148-C-NF]
ルーンレイジャーの群れ/Runerager Swarm (red) [JP_ROS149-C-NF]
在庫数 17点
ルーンレイジャーの群れ/Runerager Swarm (yellow) [JP_ROS150-C-NF]
ルーンレイジャーの群れ/Runerager Swarm (blue) [JP_ROS151-C-NF]
秘術の呪詛/Arcane Cussing (red) [JP_ROS152-C-NF]
在庫数 18点
秘術の呪詛/Arcane Cussing (yellow) [JP_ROS153-C-NF]
秘術の呪詛/Arcane Cussing (blue) [JP_ROS154-C-NF]
デッドウッドの哀歌/Deadwood Dirge (red) [JP_ROS155-C-NF]
在庫数 14点
デッドウッドの哀歌/Deadwood Dirge (yellow) [JP_ROS156-C-NF]
デッドウッドの哀歌/Deadwood Dirge (blue) [JP_ROS157-C-NF]
アークナイトの誓い/Oath of the Arknight (red) [JP_ROS158-C-NF]
アークナイトの誓い/Oath of the Arknight (yellow) [JP_ROS159-C-NF]
アークナイトの誓い/Oath of the Arknight (blue) [JP_ROS160-C-NF]
デッドウッドの印/Sigil of Deadwood [JP_ROS161-C-NF]
ルーン陣/Runechant [JP_ROS162-A-T-NF]
ルーン陣/Runechant [JP_ROS162-B-T-NF]
裏文様の外套/Ink-lined Cloak [JP_ROS164-C-NF]
焦点の保持/Hold Focus [JP_ROS165-C-NF]
破滅のエーテル波/Destructive Aethertide [JP_ROS166-M-NF]
永劫の業火/Eternal Inferno [JP_ROS167-M-NF]
エーテルの印/Sigil of Aether [JP_ROS168-M-NF]
在庫数 3点
思考の障壁/Mental Block [JP_ROS169-M-NF]
在庫数 4点
円形劇場のコーラス/Chorus of the Amphitheater (red) [JP_ROS170-R-NF]
在庫数 12点
円形劇場のコーラス/Chorus of the Amphitheater (yellow) [JP_ROS171-R-NF]
円形劇場のコーラス/Chorus of the Amphitheater (blue) [JP_ROS172-R-NF]
象形文字の重なり/Glyph Overlay (red) [JP_ROS173-R-NF]
在庫数 13点
象形文字の重なり/Glyph Overlay (yellow) [JP_ROS174-R-NF]
在庫数 8点
象形文字の重なり/Glyph Overlay (blue) [JP_ROS175-R-NF]
泡の破裂/Pop the Bubble (red) [JP_ROS176-R-NF]
泡の破裂/Pop the Bubble (yellow) [JP_ROS177-R-NF]
泡の破裂/Pop the Bubble (blue) [JP_ROS178-R-NF]
思考の保管/Save the Thought (red) [JP_ROS179-R-NF]
思考の保管/Save the Thought (yellow) [JP_ROS180-R-NF]
思考の保管/Save the Thought (blue) [JP_ROS181-R-NF]
在庫数 6点
時空操作の印/Sigil of Temporal Manipulation [JP_ROS182-R-NF]
エーテルの急活性/Aether Quickening (red) [JP_ROS183-C-NF]