安息無き合体/Restless Coalescence [EN_MST133-M-NF]
在庫数 5点
星霊の食刻/Astral Etchings (red) [EN_MST134-R-NF]
在庫数 1点
星霊の食刻/Astral Etchings (yellow) [EN_MST135-R-NF]
在庫数 7点
星霊の食刻/Astral Etchings (blue) [EN_MST136-R-NF]
在庫数 4点
祖先の核心:体/Essence of Ancestry: Body [EN_MST137-R-NF]
在庫数 2点
祖先の核心:魂/Essence of Ancestry: Soul [EN_MST138-R-NF]
在庫数 8点
祖先の核心:心/Essence of Ancestry: Mind [EN_MST139-R-NF]
憑依の亡霊/Haunting Specter (red) [EN_MST140-R-NF]
在庫数 9点
憑依の亡霊/Haunting Specter (yellow) [EN_MST141-R-NF]
在庫数 10点
憑依の亡霊/Haunting Specter (blue) [EN_MST142-R-NF]
在庫数 12点
孤独の印/Sigil of Solitude (red) [EN_MST143-C-NF]
孤独の印/Sigil of Solitude (yellow) [EN_MST144-C-NF]
孤独の印/Sigil of Solitude (blue) [EN_MST145-C-NF]
ひたむきな決意/Single Minded Determination (red) [EN_MST146-C-NF]
ひたむきな決意/Single Minded Determination (yellow) [EN_MST147-C-NF]
ひたむきな決意/Single Minded Determination (blue) [EN_MST148-C-NF]
孤独な仲間/Solitary Companion (red) [EN_MST149-C-NF]
孤独な仲間/Solitary Companion (yellow) [EN_MST150-C-NF]
孤独な仲間/Solitary Companion (blue) [EN_MST151-C-NF]
亡霊の顕現/Spectral Manifestations (red) [EN_MST152-C-NF]
亡霊の顕現/Spectral Manifestations (yellow) [EN_MST153-C-NF]
在庫数 6点
亡霊の顕現/Spectral Manifestations (blue) [EN_MST154-C-NF]
復讐のための出現/Vengeful Apparition (red) [EN_MST155-C-NF]
復讐のための出現/Vengeful Apparition (yellow) [EN_MST156-C-NF]
復讐のための出現/Vengeful Apparition (blue) [EN_MST157-C-NF]
霊気の盾/Spectral Shield [EN_MST158-T-NF]
霊気の盾/Spectral Shield [EN_MST158_A-T-NF]
在庫数 3点
霊気の盾/Spectral Shield [EN_MST158_B-T-NF]
虎手懐けの錫杖/Tiger Taming Khakkara [EN_MST159-C-NF]
しおれた髭の仮面/Mask of Wizened Whiskers [EN_MST160-C-NF]
尻尾追い/Chase the Tail [EN_MST161-M-NF]
在庫数 13点
斧割り/Maul [EN_MST162-M-NF]
在庫数 11点
縄張り/Territorial Domain [EN_MST163-M-NF]
虎の相:体/Aspect of Tiger: Body [EN_MST164-R-NF]
虎の相:魂/Aspect of Tiger: Soul [EN_MST165-R-NF]
虎の相:心/Aspect of Tiger: Mind [EN_MST166-R-NF]
解き放たれた氣/Qi Unleashed (red) [EN_MST167-R-NF]
解き放たれた氣/Qi Unleashed (yellow) [EN_MST168-R-NF]
解き放たれた氣/Qi Unleashed (blue) [EN_MST169-R-NF]
氣の祝福/Blessing of Qi (red) [EN_MST170-R-NF]
在庫数 15点
氣の祝福/Blessing of Qi (yellow) [EN_MST171-R-NF]
氣の祝福/Blessing of Qi (blue) [EN_MST172-R-NF]
噛みつく息吹/Biting Breeze (red) [EN_MST173-C-NF]
噛みつく息吹/Biting Breeze (yellow) [EN_MST174-C-NF]
噛みつく息吹/Biting Breeze (blue) [EN_MST175-C-NF]
湧き出る怒り/Breed Anger (red) [EN_MST176-C-NF]
湧き出る怒り/Breed Anger (yellow) [EN_MST177-C-NF]
湧き出る怒り/Breed Anger (blue) [EN_MST178-C-NF]
柔軟な爪/Flex Claws (red) [EN_MST179-C-NF]
柔軟な爪/Flex Claws (yellow) [EN_MST180-C-NF]
柔軟な爪/Flex Claws (blue) [EN_MST181-C-NF]
飛びかかる氣/Pouncing Qi (red) [EN_MST182-C-NF]
飛びかかる氣/Pouncing Qi (yellow) [EN_MST183-C-NF]
飛びかかる氣/Pouncing Qi (blue) [EN_MST184-C-NF]
野生のまま/Untamed (red) [EN_MST185-C-NF]
野生のまま/Untamed (yellow) [EN_MST186-C-NF]
野生のまま/Untamed (blue) [EN_MST187-C-NF]
臥虎/Crouching Tiger [EN_MST188-C-NF]
在庫数 20点
禅の有様/Zen State [EN_MST189-C-NF]
在庫数 在庫なし
騒々しい地元民/Rowdy Locals [EN_MST191-M-NF]