Savage Swing (red) [1HP031-C]
在庫数 6点
Savage Swing (yellow) [1HP032-C]
在庫数 7点
Savage Swing (blue) [1HP033-C]
Smash Instinct (red) [1HP034-C]
在庫数 8点
Smash Instinct (yellow) [1HP035-C]
在庫数 4点
Smash Instinct (blue) [1HP036-C]
在庫数 在庫なし
Wrecker Romp (red) [1HP037-C]
在庫数 5点
Wrecker Romp (yellow) [1HP038-C]
在庫数 3点
Wrecker Romp (blue) [1HP039-C]
在庫数 1点
Primeval Bellow (red) [1HP040-C]
Primeval Bellow (yellow) [1HP041-C]
Primeval Bellow (blue) [1HP042-C]
Bravo, Showstopper [1HP043-C]
在庫数 2点
Bravo [1HP044-C]
Anothos [1HP045-C]
Sledge of Anvilheim [1HP046-R]
Helm of Isen's Peak [1HP048-C]
Crater Fist [1HP049-M]
Crippling Crush [1HP050-M]
Mangle [1HP051-M]
Righteous Cleansing [1HP052-M]
Spinal Crush [1HP053-M]
Show Time! [1HP054-M]
Disable (red) [1HP055-R]
Disable (yellow) [1HP056-R]
Disable (blue) [1HP057-R]
Staunch Response (red) [1HP058-R]
Staunch Response (yellow) [1HP059-R]
Staunch Response (blue) [1HP060-R]
Blessing of Deliverance (red) [1HP061-R]
Blessing of Deliverance (yellow) [1HP062-R]
Blessing of Deliverance (blue) [1HP063-R]
Towering Titan (red) [1HP064-R]
Towering Titan (yellow) [1HP065-R]
Towering Titan (blue) [1HP066-R]
Cartilage Crush (red) [1HP067-C]
Cartilage Crush (yellow) [1HP068-C]
Cartilage Crush (blue) [1HP069-C]
Chokeslam (red) [1HP070-C]
Chokeslam (yellow) [1HP071-C]
Chokeslam (blue) [1HP072-C]
Crush Confidence (red) [1HP073-C]
Crush Confidence (yellow) [1HP074-C]
Crush Confidence (blue) [1HP075-C]
在庫数 9点
Debilitate (red) [1HP076-C]
Debilitate (yellow) [1HP077-C]
Debilitate (blue) [1HP078-C]
Emerging Dominance (red) [1HP079-C]
Emerging Dominance (yellow) [1HP080-C]
Emerging Dominance (blue) [1HP081-C]
Stonewall Confidence (red) [1HP082-C]
Stonewall Confidence (yellow) [1HP083-C]
Stonewall Confidence (blue) [1HP084-C]
Seismic Surge [1HP085-C]
Katsu, the Wanderer [1HP086-C]
Katsu [1HP087-C]
Benji, the Piercing Wind [1HP088-R]
Ira, Crimson Haze [1HP089-C]
Edge of Autumn [1HP090-R]
Harmonized Kodachi [1HP091-R]